Where do non-resident foreigners buy in France?

Notaires.fr has recently published an interesting article, about the percentage of houses that are sold to foreigners in France, based on the 2022 sales figures. That year marked the comeback of foreign second home buyers, with Paris seeing its highest levels in the last ten years.

So where do non-resident foreigners buy?

The most popular departments for foreign non resident buyers in 2022 were Creuse, Alpes-Maritimes and Ardennes.

  • Belgians have been at the top of the ranking since 2021 and they accounted for 19% of purchases in 2022;
  • The number of British non-residents is in decline – still a close second but now below the 20% threshold;
  • Germans are the third most represented nationality totalling 11% in 2021.

You can read the full article here

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