Thinking of moving to France, your visa and residency permit checklist

This is a common subject covered on our website, so here is a summary of our previous posts

  • Visa Requirements: Non-EU citizens, including UK residents post-Brexit, intending to stay in France for more than 90 days within a 180-day period, must obtain a visa. The type of visa depends on the purpose and duration of the stay. Read more

  • Residency Permits: After obtaining the appropriate visa, individuals should apply for a residency permit (carte de séjour). The initial permit is typically valid for one year, with no language requirements for short-term cards. Read more

  • Language Requirements: Recent legislation has introduced stricter French language requirements for certain residency cards and higher proficiency levels for citizenship applications. These requirements apply to non-EU citizens but do not affect those covered by the Withdrawal Agreement. Read more

  • Healthcare Access: To join the French healthcare system, individuals must be legally resident, which includes having the appropriate visa or residency card. Read more

We also have a full section dedicated to moving to France on our website. Read more


If you would like more information, have a question or you would like one of our experienced Service Providers to provide personalised assistance on this subject, please follow FBN and enquire via the free AskFBN Helpline

Information provided by The Franco British Network is for guidance and does not constitute legal, professional or commercial advice. While every care has been taken to ensure that the information is useful and accurate, The Franco British Network gives no guarantees, undertakings or warranties in this regard, and does not accept any legal liability or responsibility for the content or accuracy of the information so provided, or, for any loss or damage caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with reliance on the use of such information.

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