Getting help from the Franco British Network couldn’t be easier! Our email helpline is now free of charge for both individuals and small businesses currently living or thinking of moving to France.
We answer all questions promptly and also signpost you to official sources of information.
If your question requires further detailed information from you and expert intervention, we can provide a “warm introduction” to one of our experienced Service Providers* who speak both English and French. * fees may apply
Here are a few examples of questions that we already received and answered via our helpline.
- I am looking to move permanently to France and want to know if it’s best to be domiciled in France or UK to pay less tax?
- Can you tell me what do I need to do to ensure that I am covered for healthcare costs when I move to France?
- We are hoping to register a business soon and would like to know the tax implications of registering as an EI/SARL vs a micro-enterprise
- I am running a small business for 2 years now, each quarter I pay Urssaf my cotisations that include an amount for training. Can you tell me how I can take a training course to benefit from what I have already paid?
- I desperately need help with exchanging my UK driving licence, it’s been over two years and am now on to my 3rd application via ANTS.
- We are considering investing in a second property in the Charente to renovate and rent out. What are the tax considerations while we are renovating it, as it will be uninhabited during this time?
- When a UK citizen residing in France dies, do his UK citizen children who live in the UK have to pay French inheritance tax on the UK assets of the deceased?
- I had a local contractor to renovate our bathroom. The work was not up to standard and we have parted ways after I paid part of the agreed price. Am I entitled to get another contractor to complete the renovation?
Whether it’s about, Residency, Healthcare, Tax, Inheritance Planning, Setting up and running a business, cars / driving or other French matters, we would be delighted to hear from you and assist you, as an FBN follower.
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