Bringing your pets into France

The French government has clarified its post-Brexit rules on pets, particularly for second-home owners.

UK nationals who live in France can still benefit from the EU Pet Passport but people living in the UK now need an Animal Health Certificate (ACH) for travel if they wish to bring their pets to France. Unlike the Pet Passport, a new ACH is required for each trip.

The French Agriculture ministry has now published updated information on its website. It states that a veterinarian can only issue a French pet passport to an animal holding a UK/EU passport issued before 1 January 2021, after checking that the animal’s identification number has been registered in the national identification file for domestic carnivores (I-CAD) and that an identification card has been issued. If this is not the case, the veterinarian may proceed with the registration of the animal in the national identification file I-CAD, if the animal’s stay in France is longer than 3 consecutive months.

Please check this I-CAD website for full details

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