New for 2025, Chat FBN.

In today’s busy world, few of us have the time or patience to listen to webinars with long and complex presentations. Everyone is demanding short concise and targeted information on subjects that are important to them.

To meet these needs, we are launching a series of question & answer sessions, Chat FBN, with hand picked specialists on topics of high interest to UK Nationals who are living or moving to France, to deliver valuable insights and guide them through the intricacies of living and moving to France.

The specialists will be sharing their knowledge and experiences of assisting UK Nationals and we will be asking questions on behalf of our followers. To achieve this we will be uniquely offering our followers the ability to submit questions to us, in advance.

Throughout the year chat topics will include: inheritance planning, healthcare, driving, taxation, residency, setting up and running a small business, Consular and Prefectorial services, and more.

Chat FBN sessions will be prerecorded on video and audio to be watched and listened to “on demand” as bite-sized communications to FBN followers for free.

No more signing up in advance, logging in to technical software programs, and listening to hour long sessions on a set date and time. Chat FBN will be available on demand. It will be like Netflix vs terrestrial TV.

Commenting on the launch of Chat FBN Tharwat Mansour, FBN Events Manager says “I am excited to meet and chat with some interesting people and to be able to share valuable insights with Franco British Network followers.”

To be updated on the availability and access to all upcoming Chat FBN sessions just sign up and follow The Franco British Network for free

Chat FBN delivering valuable insights through conversations with specialists to guide you through the intricacies of living and moving to France.

Information provided by The Franco British Network is for guidance and does not constitute legal, professional or commercial advice. While every care has been taken to ensure that the information is useful and accurate, The Franco British Network gives no guarantees, undertakings or warranties in this regard, and does not accept any legal liability or responsibility for the content or accuracy of the information so provided, or, for any loss or damage caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with reliance on the use of such information.

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