Why you need to make a Will

Last Will & Testament

If your main residence is in France on the day of your death, you are subject to French inheritance laws, unless you make a will to change the situation.

What is the French law if you have not made a Will?

You are married and have children:

  • Your spouse will inherit either a life interest of all your assets or a quarter of your assets and…
  • Your children (or their descendants) will inherit the remainder as equal shares.

You are married and have no children:

  • Your spouse will inherit all your assets. However, if your father or mother survives you, they receive a ¼ of your assets each, and your spouse inherits the remainder.

You are not married and have no children:

  • Your father and mother inherit a quarter of your assets each.
  • Your brothers and sisters (or their descendants) inherit the remainder equally.

If you make a Will, how can it change the situation?

  • Increase, with some limits, the share of your spouse.
  • Increase, with some limits, the share of one child.
  • Choose your national law for the settlement of your inheritance (even if, since the law of the 24th of August 2021, it is much less favourable – read our post on The Reform of the French Hereditary Laws)
  • Leave your assets to who you want (with some limits if you have children or a spouse), or with no limit if you have neither children nor a spouse.

To grant better protection to a surviving spouse, you can also make a matrimonial contract; for more information, please read the post: Matrimonial regimes and inheritance.


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