There are now twelve cities in France that have Crit’Air rules in place which restrict certain vehicles from entering. If you are living in France or going to be visiting France as a holiday maker or a second home owner then you need to know where they are.
Low-emission zones restrict the types of vehicles that can drive within defined boundary limits. All vehicles driving through these zones, including foreign-registered ones and two wheelers, must be equipped with a Crit’Air sticker on their windscreen, or the front of the vehicle, such as on fork or mudguard, of a motorbike, showing their pollution levels. The zones are known as ZFEs (zones à faibles émissions). Most restrict the use of vehicles of a Crit’Air level 4 and above.
Below, an official map shows the rules in place within each city as well as the locations where new ZFEs are set to be brought in.

See more information here.
Some cities, such as Paris and Toulouse, have specific restrictions in place so if you are driving in these areas, it is advisable to check local regulations on the above mentioned website. Bordeaux is set to have certain restrictions in place by 1st January 2025. In theory, all towns with a population of 150,000 or above are due to implement a ZFE before January 1, 2025.
You can buy a Crit’Air sticker for your vehicle through the official website. It costs 3.77 €.
You can read all about how it works with a link to buying your Crit’Air sticker here.