Latest French Crime Figures – where is the safest place to live?

Newly-released data published in the New Year from the Interior Ministry gives a detailed statistical breakdown of crime figures (burglaries, vehicle thefts, theft and muggings, urban vandalism, homicides, sexual assault) in different areas of France for 2023. The Interior Ministry’s report shows a rise in burglaries and most types of crime – although rates vary and are decreasing in some areas.

Burglaries by department

  • The report shows the rate of break-ins rose nationally by around 3%, although this is a lower rate of increase than the year before, with the most significant drops seen in Bouches-du-Rhône, Loire, and Loire-Atlantique.
  • Gironde and Bouches-du-Rhône were the worst-hit departments for burglaries
  • Creuse and Corrèze were the least affected
  • Some areas, including Bouches-du-Rhône, show a drop year on year

Data from the Interior Ministry

Vehicle thefts

  • Nationwide, vehicle thefts increased by 5%
  • 16 departments registered a 20% rise.

Data from the Interior Ministry

Theft and mugging

  • Rates of ‘theft against the person’ and mugging are down from previous years
  • violent theft (without weapons) is down by 8%
  • non-violent robberies are down 3%.
  • Armed robberies increased, with 8,700 recorded by the police in 2023, a rise of 2% on the figures for 2022.

Urban vandalism 

  • The rate of urban vandalism increased by 3% in 2023. The Interior Ministry noted that this was largely driven by the urban violence in June 2023


  • Homicides passed 1,000 victims in 2023, an increase of 5%
  • The figure for attempted murder also increased by 13%

Sexual assault

  • The number of sexual assault offences increased by 8% in 2023.
  • The number of rapes and attempted rapes rose by 10% in 2023, with 42,700 cases recorded by police.

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