Health Insurance Travel Card.

Please note different rules and procedures apply if you hold a UK Form S1.  If you are a French resident and plan to travel within an EU/EEA country or to […]

Easier Access to Some Health Care Specialists

A new health law (loi Rist) adopted on May 10th 2023 will make it easier for patients to see certain specialists without getting a referral from their ‘médécin traitant’ (General […]

Accessing the French Health Care System

Part 3 by Sara Vincent There are different ways of accessing the French health system depending on your age and country of origin. This is the third article in our […]

Accessing the French Health System

by Sarah Vincent This is the second article in our series about how to access health care in France. The first focused on those who have a UK issued S1. […]

The Cost of Going to the Doctor.

In April it was announced that, in the final months of 2023, the price of medical appointments in France will rise. There are basically two areas in the French health […]

Health Services at home

A brief personal explanation by Carolyn Chamberlain Here in the Dordogne (and possibly all of France) there are two main services available: the SIAD (Service des Soins Infirmières à Domicile […]