Buying a bike? Here are 3 ways to save some serious money!

If you are thinking about buying a bike then keep reading to learn how you can make some good savings for all the family.

The French government have now extended the deadline for applying for a discount when buying a new or used bike. In a measure to encourage clean mobility and reduce pollution, classic bicycles, electrically assisted bikes and cargo bikes are now all eligible for the “bike bonus” up until 2027. From this year this includes both new and used bicycles as long as they are identified and sold by a professional.

You can apply for discounts for:

Velo classique

  • This is if you are buying a standard classic bike
  • The bonus is means tested and capped at 150 € per bicycle

Bonus écologique VAE

  • This is the Ecological Bonus for electric bikes
  • Aid is means tested and capped at 400 € per bicycle

Bonus écologique Vélo Cargo

  • This concerns the purchase of a cargo bike, an electric bike with a trailer or a bike adapted for use by people with a disability.
  • Aid is means tested and capped at 2000 € .
  • If buying through a business or an association the bonus is capped at 1000 €.

Conversion Premium

Also, if you are considering buying a bike to replace an old or polluting vehicle you can apply for the Conversion Premium which covers:

  • electrically assisted bicycles;
  • cargo bicycles, provided that they assisted by an electric device;
  • elongated bicycles (longtail), provided that they are assisted by an electric device;
  • bicycles adapted for the disabled, provided that they are assisted by an electric device;
  • electric folding bicycles

The Conversion Premium is means tested and open to individuals and businesses.

  • You can receive a maximum of 1,500 € per new or used bike ( for certain income levels and disability status the maximum is increased to 3000 € per bicycle per person)
  • You can apply for only one bike per person in the household
  • If you live in a low-emission zone you can get an additional 1000 € or if you receive any local grants this can increase up to 3000 €

All bonuses are capped at 40% of the purchase price.

See here for more information.

Apply for your bike bonus here.

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