Avoid these pitfalls when modifying your MicroEntreprise

By Elena Djelil

I recently closed down a part of my ME business and set about registering the changes. I found that from January 2023 it has been obligatory to modify or close a Micro-entreprise online through Guichet Unique on the INPI website . INPI is pronounced “een-pee” by the French Authorities.

Here’s what needs to be done …

  • Connect to GUICHET UNIQUE. If you don’t already have an account you will need to create one
  • Choose the section “Déposer une formalité de modification d’entreprise” or if you are closing down the business completely choose “cessation” instead of “modification”
  • Complete the form – double check what you are doing as you go along. The form isn’t exactly intuitive and it took me a few attempts to get to what they were looking for!
  • Once at the end of the form you need to validate it and then get it signed electronically.

In order to sign electronically you need to possess an Identité Numérique

To do this you will need ID, either

  • A French Passport or the new small format French Identity card ( you cannot use your UK passport nor your French driving licence)
  • A Titre de Séjour valid for more than 5 years (but not a permanent card with no end date)

If you don’t have either of the above you will need to get a third party to do this on your behalf. The FBN have several experienced Service providers who are able to do this.

My Carte de Séjour is valid for 10 years with an expiry date so all ok so far.

However I came across a few unexpected issues. You have to photograph your ID, take a video of your face and then upload these to the site. It kept telling me my internet connecton was too slow and to try again. OK, I don’t exactly live in a big city but never really have any problems with my internet connection (see this article on Fibre Optics!) , so I kept insisting, but all to no avail.

This was a minor inconvenience as La Poste can do this for you free of charge. I went to our local post office and the lady there did it all for me. However, the system kept rejecting my carte de séjour saying it was invalid. She tried several times before phoning the Identité Numérique helpline who said it was because the word “permanent” appeared on the card and they suggested calling INPI.

So I went home and called INPI who said they couldn’t help but to try again at another Post Office.

I did this and the lady there was also extremely helpful, doing all this on my behalf as well as simultaneously serving the long queue of customers. She went through the entire process which also ended in my card being rejected. She did this 3 times before eventually phoning the helpline as the other Post Office had done. This time a very friendly helpline agent took over and after a lengthy conversation she reckoned it was something to do with the way my name was written on my carte de séjour and I should try again entering my first and second name as my first name but with a space inbetween.

The Post Office assistant duly did this but the system didn’t like that and it was rejected again. She kept trying with various name combinations (each time having to start the process again from scratch) but nothing worked. We gave up!

I then contacted one of the Franco British Network’s Service Providers and asked for help. I wish I’d done that from the outset- I would have saved hours of frustration! My documents were signed electronically and submitted to INPI that same afternoon and next day I got a confirmation that the changes to my Micro-entreprise had been registered.

If you are changing or closing your business and are having the same issues as I did, just Ask FBN at info@franco-british-network.com

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