A French History Lesson – November Social

This month FBN’s own Events Manager, Tharwat Mansour, excelled herself in her choice of venues when a group of 35 FBN members met at the Musée La Rue du temps qui passe (The road of times gone by), in Allas-les-Mines.

The museum enabled all to enjoy a couple of hours peering through many different early 20th century shopfronts including le cordonnier (cobbler), le bourrelier (saddler) and la modiste (milliner).

It was fascinating to see all the tools and machinery once used by French artisans during the first half of last century while having some fun by partaking in a group quiz. Our visitors were split into teams to identity an item (or items) located in each shop front that were not ‘old’ – items that dated post 1980. Objects such as electronic scales and post-it notes were easy to spot but others, such as a CD, were more difficult to find.

After this wonderful introduction to ‘old’ France we journeyed for a few minutes to La Ferme Auberge Les Tilleuls in Marnac for lunch and what a find this was. Located at the end of a lane with panoramic views, we were treated to a sumptuous four-course lunch. Yet again the day was all about what the FBN does best, networking be it social or business; we all had something to share about our new lives in France, and we all came back with having met someone new.

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