The new Gardening Club

By Liz WIliams The Garden Club is run by FBN Member, Liz Williams and is now underway in time for Spring! Focused on bringing together keen gardeners (from novice to experienced) you are welcome to join the group by sending a request to to join the emailing list, the WhatsApp group, or simply to […]

Latest French Crime Figures – where is the safest place to live?

Newly-released data published in the New Year from the Interior Ministry gives a detailed statistical breakdown of crime figures (burglaries, vehicle thefts, theft and muggings, urban vandalism, homicides, sexual assault) in different areas of France for 2023. The Interior Ministry’s report shows a rise in burglaries and most types of crime – although rates […]

Where do non-resident foreigners buy in France? has recently published an interesting article, about the percentage of houses that are sold to foreigners in France, based on the 2022 sales figures. That year marked the comeback of foreign second home buyers, with Paris seeing its highest levels in the last ten years. So where do non-resident foreigners buy? The most popular […]

A new grant can help over-70s and disabled people to keep living at home

There is now a new grant for home adaptations that should make it easier for the elderly or disabled in France to remain in their own homes if they so wish, instead of perhaps having to seek new accommodation in a care home, sheltered housing or to move in with family members. It is open […]

Low Emission Zones in France in 2024 – are you compliant?

There are now twelve cities in France that have Crit’Air rules in place which restrict certain vehicles from entering. If you are living in France or going to be visiting France as a holiday maker or a second home owner then you need to know where they are. Low-emission zones restrict the types of vehicles […]

New ways to defer Inheritance Tax payments

People who have difficulty paying tax due on an inheritance can now benefit from a simplified payment credit system that allows them to pay in instalments or to defer paying the tax. In order to take advantage of deferred or split payments you first need to apply to your tax office. Inheritance tax is normally […]

How to send a parcel from your own letterbox

For those living in France (especially in rural France where you often see your La Poste van) posting a parcel has been made easier; La Poste can now pick up packages of up to 5kg from your home. You can send packages to anywhere within the EU without going to a post office by organising […]

What you need to know about language requirements for foreigners moving to France

France has introduced stricter language requirements for foreigners, including the introduction of French tests for certain types of residency card and a higher language level requirement for citizenship. If you are planning a move to France or seeking naturalisation read on. The new law is called Contrôler l’immigration,améliorer l’intégration  (control immigration and improve integration) Some of […]

How will the New Immigration Bill affect your plans to move to France?

Some parts of the new French Immigration Bill will affect those planning to move and live or work in France. Some parts of the bill may also impact you if you are already living in France. The provisions of the new law passed on 26th January this year called Contrôler l’immigration, améliorer l’intégration (control immigration and […]

Avoid these pitfalls when modifying your MicroEntreprise

By Elena Djelil I recently closed down a part of my ME business and set about registering the changes. I found that from January 2023 it has been obligatory to modify or close a Micro-entreprise online through Guichet Unique on the INPI website . INPI is pronounced “een-pee” by the French Authorities. Here’s what needs […]