New Property Form to Complete

A new declaration, to be completed by June 30, 2023, is required of everyone, including second homeowners, owning houses or flats in France. Carry on reading to find out more. To help determine who still needs to pay Taxe d’habitation (second homes)or the taxe sur les logements vacants levied on empty unused properties, the public finance […]

Information about Children Travelling Abroad.

When travelling abroad, children who are French residents now need an autorisation de sortie du territoire’ (AST). Click on the link to read more. Those children who have non-EU nationality and are French residents who leave France, for example school trips, need to have in their possession a free document called an ‘autorisation de sortie […]

France’s new e-carte Vitale.

A new digital version of France’s health card – to be known as the e-carte Vitale – will be rolled out across France in 2023. It means it will soon be possible to show your e-carte Vitale at the chemist’s or doctor’s surgery using a smartphone instead of a plastic card.  The introduction of the e-carte Vitale is part of the digitalisation of […]

Don’t forget to submit your annual tax return

By Sasha Smit-Macardier If you moved permanently to France in the last year please remember to file a French annual income tax return. As a French resident, you have a fiscal obligation to do so. Whether or not your income and/or financial resources originate or are in France, as a French resident you must submit […]