French administration is known to be complicated! To ease the pain, the Government has now issued an comic book aimed at teenagers and young adults who are facing these tasks for the first time …
It explains how to order your first Carte Vitale, declare a regular doctor, ask for the activity premium and even what to do if you are becoming parents for the first time.
The comic book ( BD in French, short for Bande Dessinée ) is titled “Sam* and Administration: Goal Zero Pain” and is divided into 16 chapters. This comic book was born out of an initiative between 1st ST2S students from the Lycée Valentine Labbé de la Madeleine (Nord) and the Caisse d’allocations famille.
It explains how to cope with certain events in the daily life of adolescents and young adults, including:
- Ordering your first Carte Vitale
- Applying to rent a flat for the first time
- Applying to rent shared accommodation
- Preparing for the birth of your first child
The comic book is available online free of charge
* Just for information, SAM is also the name given to someone who is the designated driver on a night out so if someone offers you an alcoholic drink you can politely refuse by saying ‘ Non merci, je suis Sam “ !!
If you are struggling with any aspect of French administration and would like one of our Service Providers to help you , please write to FBN at